



django-thumbnail-works provides an enhanced ImageField that generates and manages thumbnails of the source image.

This application aims to be a simple but feature rich thumbnailing application for Django based projects.

Licensed under the Apache License version 2.0. More licensing information exists in the license section.

Warning: This software is not production-ready!


  • Provides the EnhancedImageField model field, which is based on the default Django ImageField, and has the ability to generate and manage thumbnails of the source image.
  • Supports named thumbnails which can be accessed as attributes of the source image.
  • Uses the Django storages API to manage thumbnails.
  • Allows processing the source image in the same manner that thumbnails are processed.
  • Individual processing options for each thumbnail.
  • Supports automatic image resizing and cropping to the user specified size. Scaling up smaller images is also possible.
  • Sharpen and detail filters.
  • You can specify the output format of each image, including the format of the source image.
  • Supports delayed thumbnail generation, which means that thumbnails are generated the first time they are accessed.

Thumbnail generation using template tags is not supported and there are no plans to support it in the near future. The logic of this application is to define named thumbnails and access them as attributes of the source image. This way you only need to create your own template tags that display the thumbnails in any way you see fit.


Read the django-thumbnail-works Online Documentation for more information about the
installation, configuration and usage of this application.


The official releases are available at: