


Forum Posting Guidelines

Legal Documents

This document outlines out policy regarding your interaction with the forums on this web site in addition to the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy.

  1. Do not include links in your posts, unless a link is requested by the developer. Please keep in mind that the rel="nofollow" is automatically added to all external links.
  2. Do not upload files, unless instructed to do so. Uploading malware, adware, spyware or any other software in binary or source form is strictly prohibited and can lead to your account deletion.
  3. Do not link to images unless you are instructed to do so. Hot linking images from web sites you do not control (image hosting services are excluded) is not allowed.
  4. Keep your posts on topic. Off topic messages are deleted without notice.
  5. Offensive or abusive messages are deleted without notice.
  6. Mentioning any kind of commercial products in your messages leads to message deletion and account locking.

This document is being updated. Please check back often for updates.
